Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's boringggggggggg.....

No trade taken since last Monday trade. From now on my trading approach will be extra picky but not conservatively, so no more 2ohrs system update. No more happy trigger but more on waiting the very high probability trade set up. Good set up doesnt come frequent. This will help to reduce my number of trade which I think is my main issue right now. Overtrade will kill my acc growth and doesnt benefit me in the long run. Anyway I'll continue to trade the "breaking rules day" as usual coz it proven profitable so far. O.k enough rant back to trading.

O.k. see ya at the next grade a+++ set up otherwise I just sit tight on my hand and wacthing. This waiting game for sure will be very long and verrrryyyyyyyyy- verrryyyyyy borinnnnnnnnnnnngggg but I dont mind waiting.

is waiting......

1 comment:

  1. bro makcik marginah nah jumpa ang esk... nanti aku buat double comfirm
